Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Importance of History

It is important to know the history of a profession, especially one as well known as the firefighter. History has shown us that the most unpredictable mishaps can occur. When this occurs, it’s always reassuring to know someone will be there to help.

In Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians used wooden water pumps to extinguish fires. Several hundred years later, “200 BC,” a man named Ctesibius invented a new and improved water pump to put out fires in Rome. Rome had now started the first fire department. These men were known as “Spartoli” or “Little Bucket Fellows.” (Graff)

Fires were also a growing problem in Colonial times of America’s upbringing. The people in these communities also used the bucket solution to extinguish the fires. The Bucket Brigade was a line of volunteers passing buckets full of water back and forth to the fire. “Wheel mounted hard pumps were brought to America from England in the early 1700s.” (Graff) These pumps were run by several men including the bucket brigade, who filled the pumps instead of fighting the fire (Graff).

In the 1800s, a steam driven pump was introduced, but had to be transported by horse drawn carriages. At this time, the men were named firefighters. The 1900s brought change when the gas powered engines were introduced. These are still used today (Graff).

The history of firefighting shows that in even the worst of conditions, and lack of equipment, there are brave souls who risk their lives in order to save one. It is truly amazing how firefighting started and where it is today.

Work Cited

Graf, Christine. “Firefighting Through the Ages.” Appleseeds, 10997725. Nov 2006. Volume 9. Issue 3. EBSCO 2010. 12 August 2010.

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